Sunday, October 27, 2013

What Almighty Cannot Do by Chris White

“Can you find out the deep things of God? Can you find out the limit of the Almighty?”
                                                    (Job 11:7)

God is referred to as almighty over 300 times in the Old Testament.  While this should certainly steer our hearts towards awe and reverence, we should also be reminded that He who holds all divine power is Himself a loving Father.  As I was reflecting on God’s divine power,  I was reminded of an exercise we all had to do in theology class during ministerial training.  We had to list all the things God almighty cannot do (I came up with 4, but there were many more):
1.      God can’t lie or be unfaithful.  This is a contradiction of His character and heart.
2.      God can’t do the logically inconsistent (no rocks so big He can’t lift them or create a shade of black that looks white.)
3.      God cannot be limited by our limitations—He has infinite possibilities of creativity and the laws of the universe (which we only faintly understand) may be more flexible than we realize.
4.      God cannot be unjust.  His justice is a reflection of His Holiness and thus to violate this would be to violate His very self.

All these things are comforting mostly in the sense that they make a single statement that God is not like we are.  We do all these things with the greatest of ease and we can be thankful that God would not do any of them.  But there is a sense in which the “almightiness” of God is of great comfort to us.  This is found in Romans 8:28 where we read “for those who love God, all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.”  We know in our heart of hearts, no evil, no problem, no sin, no power is so great that God is overcome and unable to bring His good plan for our lives to fruition.  Nothing shall keep us from the love of God because He is almighty.  Keep that close to your heart today.

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