Sunday, April 13, 2014

On Struggles, Satan, and the book of Job by Chris White

“And the Lord said unto Satan, Behold, he is in thy hand; but save his life” Job 2:6

I must confess I am a bit leery about deriving too much theology about Satan from the book of Job.  I believe in the veracity of the book and even the most casual reading of it reveals a literary masterpiece, but I don’t think its purpose is to offer us hardcore doctrine about the interactions of God, Satan, and the human race.  What I do see is a sufficient answer (as opposed to an exhaustive explanation) as to the question of how evil can touch the children of a good God.  The main point is that God is the sovereign Creator and He has things well under control and that there are going to be difficult things that happen to us in this life that we are not going to understand and never will.  Somehow the evil one is in there but these secrets belong to God and your understanding of them is not a prerequisite to being blessed in the final analysis.  I wonder how many of us have gone through a trial thinking God was teaching us one thing, when in fact it was something else altogether.  Much energy can be expended trying to unscrew the inscrutable! A good friend of mine recently mentioned she was struggling through a particular trial and was really worried about all the work she was not getting accomplished.  The Lord spoke to her heart very distinctly that moment that His job for her that day was to rest and not worry.  Not an easy task for anyone enduring a struggle, but a wise way of expressing faith in the goodness of a sovereign God.

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