Friday, September 13, 2013

What Is Assumed Is Healed by Chris White

“For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form, and in Him you have been made complete..” Col. 2:9-10

Gregory of Nazianzus, a theologian from the early Church era, wrote “that which is not assumed is not healed.”  In this he was talking about the importance of Jesus being fully human as our redeemer.  It’s funny to say it that way because usually we place our emphasis on the divinity of Jesus and how he was far more than just a great man.  But the humanity of Jesus is of equal importance to God’s redemptive work.  To fulfill God’s justice, a real man must take our place and our penalty.  Because Jesus is fully God His sacrifice is of infinite value and able to more than cover the sins of humanity.  But there is another dimension to consider here as well.  Christ came to redeem us as whole human beings.  It is more than your spirit He intends to save.  Jesus assumed a body, an intellect, a personality and every other human characteristic except sin.  In other words, all was assumed and therefore all is healed.  The question is then when will I realize this?  Obviously the fullness of Christ’s healing will be realized in the resurrection but that does not preclude a significant healing in this life.  How much we receive is largely dependent on how open we are to being healed (spell that C-H-A-N-G-E-D).  Jesus Christ is ready and willing.  Are you?

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