Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Real Stress That Kills Us by Chris White

“Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.  For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” (Col. 3:2-3)

“We use selective inattention and forgetting to get through life; we assume it is the crazy pace of our lives that is killing us when really it’s our inattention to our deepest desire, the desire for God.”  --Marshall Jenkins

One of the oddities about life in America is that we are one of the wealthiest nations of earth and yet it seems we are being killed by our wealth.  Not a day goes by where I don’t read of or hear of some new way in which abundance is causing great stress in some way to the body and mind.  I’ve had a few days recently where I’ve been more stressed about worrying about my stress level than the actual stress I was enduring.  Technically I think this is called recursive anxiety: being stressed about the possibility that I might have too much stress.  Don’t think I’m joking here.  The only thing funny about this is that I’m confessing the truth about how my mind sometimes works.  I will tell you that I have had to deliberately tell myself to trust God and quit this faithless worry.  Quite a few days now and counting!  Here is the heart of the matter: most of the stresses we are feeling come from a fear and dread of loss.  It might be a fear that you are going to lose a spouse through an illness, a job you’ve worked your whole life, a home you’ve enjoyed for many years, maybe even your own dreams for a better financial life for your family.  But can I tell you something as a fellow worrier?  The truth is the only thing we can really hang on to in this life is God Himself.  We hunger for things that are permanent and then reach for and try to hang on to things that are transitory by nature.  This is why our attention must be drawn towards heaven.  It is only with God that we will find our hearts at peace and fully satisfied.  And in the end, only God can calm the storms of fear we all have.

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