Friday, August 30, 2013

On The Search for Extra-Terrestial Life by Chris White

A book has recently been published by Cambridge University Press which chronicles the modern day search for life on other planets. Although there have been changes over the years in technology, the goal remains the same: scan outer space for radio signals that are being sent from another galaxy.  According to one of the authors, it is likely that within our generation we will hear from a distant civilization probably beaming a signal for much the same purpose.  I’ve always appreciated C.S. Lewis’s position that if there is life on other planets, sin is not an issue for them and God has placed the distances between us to ensure we will not corrupt them.  I can remember watching a vintage sci-fi film where America sent a team of scientists to the moon (this was long before the Apollo program) and when they encountered the alien life form he told the space team to leave or he would throw them out because his people have been watching the world for hundreds of years and don’t want all the crime, wars and greed of humans imported to their world.  But all this aside, there is a deeper motivation behind this search for extra-terrestrial life that goes beyond science.  Behind this quest is the question of every man: “are we really all alone in this huge universe?”  The Bible teaches us that outer space is there to tell us that we are not alone.  The heavens are telling of the glory of God; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.  Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night reveals knowledge (Ps.19:1).”  The only reason for feeling alone is if we look at space with the idea that humanity is the center of the universe.  If God is the center and source of all, then the vastness of outer space and the glories of its beautiful lights say God is great beyond all measure.  There is a message being sent to us, but its not a radio signal, it’s the voice of God!

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