Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Not Living in Tomorrowland by Chris White

When Disneyland opened in 1955, Tomorrowland represented a city from 1986.  I remember 1986 pretty well and to the best of my knowledge daily connections to Mars, People-movers, and Monorails were not common sights on the American landscape.  It’s funny how our predictions and projections of the future are rarely on the mark.  The same is true of fear.  Our fears are always greater than the reality of the thing we fear.  We project disaster or have the idea we won’t survive if such-and-so happens and then it does and the Lord brings us through it anyway.  I used to live with the fantasy that if I pre-worried about something, then it prevented it from happening.  In addition to disobeying Christ’s teaching to put away worry, such thinking is a bit of madness.  I have found in experience, the real troubles I have actually experienced were ones that I never even considered and definitely didn’t see coming. So besides being a fairly unproductive use of time, it also shows that worrying is definitely not a form of prophecy. When Paul spoke of the trials and tribulations he faced throughout his ministry, he said “I endured them and out of them all the Lord rescued me!” (2 Tim. 3:11).  Are you facing a difficult tomorrow of some kind?  Remember your fears today are far less real than the fact that the Lord is already in your future, at your side and has a plan for your deliverance from or through all that lies ahead.  Let not your heart be troubled.

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