Thursday, August 8, 2013

On Seeking Spiritual Counsel by Chris White

“Would that we had died in the land of Egypt! Or would that we had died in this wilderness!  Why is the Lord bringing us into this land, to fall by the sword?” (Ex.14:2-3)

 Most of us remember the wildly popular television quiz show Who Wants to be a Millionaire?  The contestant would be asked a series of progressively harder multiple choice questions with a chance at winning a huge cash prize at the end.  If a player was stumped on an answer he had three “lifelines” to help him.  The most fascinating of the three in my opinion was “ask the audience”.  The collective audience was asked their answer and the majority report was put on a bar graph for the contestant to see.  Statistically, the audience selected answer was 99% correct which means that, at least in terms of trivia, the breadth of knowledge in a crowd probably trumps a single expert.

One place I believe the “collective wisdom of the crowd” can be a real failure is in spiritual matters or perception.  Consider the 12 spies sent in to Canaan.  They all saw the same things yet only two of them trusted in God to go forward while the other ten looked at the situation strictly from a human standpoint and to the general “freaking out” of everybody suggested that God wasn’t able to help them do what He had told them to do.  In the church of antiquity, there was a screwball idea floating around that Christian disciples should ask Mary (the mother of Jesus) to pray for them.  A lot of people were quite critical of this idea especially since it cannot be directly taught from scripture. But it gained currency over time because a small crowd of powerful bishops and theologians supported it.  I know there have been times I have sought spiritual counsel from a ‘multitude of counselors’ (Pr. 15:22) only to find such a multitude of answers that I was more in the dark than before on the way I should go.  I guess this could be called a collective “I don’t know!”.  So, when should I trust the breadth of the crowd as wise spiritual counsel?

First answer: only when you really need it.  There are a lot of issues we grapple with that are clearly and directly addressed by scripture.  We shouldn’t need to get a second opinion on whether or not to live purely or with integrity.  If you have to ask if it would be dishonest to do something, then chances are it is and you already think so, so why even ask?

Second thought on this: are those whom you ask steeped in the truth of the scripture?  Do they actually demonstrate scriptural truth in their lifestyle?  Approaching people who do not live and learn from scripture is like asking a blind person to help you read a road map.  There are some real limitations to the value of advice from people without spiritual perception.  They may be wise, but their wisdom will reflect the view that God in not very important.

Third and final thought: when it is supplementary to your own prayers, fastings, and wrestlings with God.  There is a saying in business that tasks may be delegated but never accountability.  Since we are directly accountable to the Lord for our lives we should seek his counsel first and seek to discern His voice on the matter. The counsel of other wise people should be supplemental and confirming but not primary.  If the Holy Spirit indwells the Lord’s people, then there will be a recognition of others that you have heard His voice and are moving in the right direction.


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